G Suite for Healthcare
Build financial models to assess projects
To find out if your proposed project is worthwhile, create financial models using Sheets. Calculate internal rate of return (IRR), return on investment (ROI), and net present value (NPV). See the impact of what-if scenarios by adjusting key inputs in your model. Show when costs approach budget limitations using conditional formatting colors. Then, share the spreadsheet with your team to get their feedback.
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Show fluctuations using pivot tables or waterfall charts
See how your company’s profit changes quarterly from year to year with a waterfall chart. Or, group total sales from different regions so you can see a combined subtotal in a pivot table. In Sheets, the Explore feature makes it easy to add pivot tables, charts, and graphs with just a click.
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Create and collaborate on budget proposals
Draft a budget proposal for a project and get feedback from your team using Docs. The people you share the draft with can add comments and suggest inline edits. You can then respond to comments and obtain the necessary approvals. In the revision history, there’s an audit trail to see who made which changes and you can revert to a previous version at any time.
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Brainstorm in real time about budget concerns and strategies
After you confirm your project budget, get your team involved by collaborating in a Google Meet video meeting. Share a link in the meeting to your budget spreadsheets in Sheets that everyone can edit and use to brainstorm. Then, during the call, start strategizing together and writing down ideas so everyone is on the same page.
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Share and manage file access for cross-functional teams
Finance teams often work cross-functionally with other departments, such as marketing and sales. Keeping everyone in the loop can be a daunting task, whether you’re hosting an internal discussion with staff members or communicating between different departments. Groups makes it easy to communicate quickly with everyone at once. You can also limit how confidential or sensitive project information is shared by only adding certain people to a group. After adding email accounts to a group, you can send an email.
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Create financial statements and budgets with templates
Create financial statements and balance the books with a Sheets template from Xero Accounting Software. Use a template from Intuit Quickbooks to track your annual income and expenses.
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Organize financial information with functions
Conduct internal surveys
Create presentations for proposals and planning objectives
Sheets makes it easy to bring order and meaning to financial data. Move financial data from several spreadsheets into a single spreadsheet with the IMPORTRANGE function. Add stock prices to visualize trends with the GOOGLEFINANCE function.
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If your finance department is providing services to another group, you can measure the quality of those services with an internal survey. Or, help prioritize projects by sending stakeholders a survey to collect financial data. You can also streamline your operations using internal surveys to identify redundant processes or procedures that have marginal value. Use Forms to build and send your survey. Then, quickly analyze the responses captured in Sheets to inform team decisions.
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When beginning a project, draft a proposal in Slides; you can even start with an existing template to save time. Add key objectives, project milestones, planning initiatives, and any updates. Share the presentation with your team so everyone can add their feedback. Then, present the proposal to cross-functional teams across the globe.